
The following testimonials are from clients who have agreed to put their experience of the counselling process on the website. All clients will be kept  anonymous and in confidence.


For me, it was a complete process, entirely experiential. Maddy is so understanding and non-judgemental, she creates a secure and safe space to explore and accept those deep, and often very uncomfortable feelings.

This whole process helped and enabled me to understand myself and get to grips with what I need out of my own life. It gave me control in situations that felt uncontrollable. It gave me clarity at times when everything seemed non-functional.

Overall though, Maddy helped me get myself back. This journey is never over!


This testimonial is from a client who has just finished 37 sessions of counselling.
 There is no name as the client’s identity is confidential.

“When I first started counselling I felt physically and emotionally ill and did not know how or if I could be healed. Today I am so grateful to Maddy because she has helped me work through my emotions so I no longer feel ill. I am able to live my life positively with the strategies she has taught me. I can look forward to a future with happiness in it.”


"My experience of working with Maddy has been rewarding and powerful, we quietly built up a relationship of trust and confidence which meant I could benefit from sessions and ensued ideas between meetings. She works with generosity and understanding, I feel very fortunate to have selected her to help me." 


"My experience with Maddy has been quietly life changing.  I have been able to look inside and find the things that have been weighing me down.  Exploring these further had led me to a better understanding of myself and really helped me to confront my problems and deal with my troubles.  I feel like I am no longer on the outside of my life but now fully within it and fully in control.  I would recommend this therapy to anyone who feels they have issues they want to address."


"Maddy’s counselling has changed my life for the better. She has helped me to develop my self-awareness so that I feel much more ready and able to face the future and whatever it has in store for me. Maddy has guided me through the counselling process using her experience and expertise and I will always be grateful to her for helping me to become the person I am today (and the person I want to be).  I would highly recommend Maddy’s counselling."


"I have always been open to the idea of counselling and it had been suggested to me many times after my Dad and Granddad died, especially as I was pregnant with my third daughter at the time.

For me it was finding the right time, which in this case was almost 18 months after.

It has been a hard, painful process. It’s been a long, upward journey, a struggle at times and there have been occasions where I’ve wanted to give up. 

Maddy has been amazing.  I have been able to allow myself to let out all of my emotions, let the anger out, let the pain flow and embrace the exhaustion that comes afterwards. With Maddy’s guidance and support I have come through what has been a very difficult and dark time. I don’t think I’d have done so well without her. 

Finally I’m feeling fantastic, like I’ve climbed a mountain without the trekking kit, and got to the top and I’m looking down on the world. I’m choosing which direction I want to take, it’s my choice, I am in control."


“It has been painful, exhilarating and honest throughout, dealing and focusing on past difficulties and how they have affected my life. 

Through this process I have learnt to stand on my own two feet, that I am worthwhile in my own right and that I can make the life that I want.  I have learnt to make choices and deal with the course given and have been surprised at the power that this gives.”


"Maddy James is a wonderful counsellor.  She made me feel instantly at ease and I was able to talk very freely without any judgment or criticism on her part.  The sessions helped me enormously, just being able to talk events and feeling through with Maddy made me feel at peace with myself and able to move forward with life." 


"My experience of counselling has been sometimes difficult but at the same time enlightening and necessary.  Through the process I have managed to look at myself and face up to some difficult issues. With Maddy by my side I have been able to find the courage to explore and understand what is going on inside me.  Maddy has supported me on my journey of discovery and I now feel ready to move on with my life.  I feel I have grown and changed and really now know who I am."


"Me and my husband were having a really difficult time before we started to seeing Maddy. Our relationship was full of communication problems, disconnection and pain. After 9 sessions with Maddy I know we have still a long way to go but the most important thing now I feel relieved after I told everything which I was keeping to myself for years, I feel understood my husbands feelings and we feel we can talk with each other anything anytime without hesitation. This makes the relationship goes. Many thanks to Maddy for creating this platform for us and supporting us on all the way through."


"Coming into counselling I was very depressed and lacked a lot of self esteem. Madeleine helped me to accept myself and in turn improved my relationships with those around me.
I now feel positive for the future and equipt to deal with whatever life throws at me."